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Their Philosophy


   Birth is a normal healthy experience and a doula is an excellent option for all women. Our doulas offer the compassionate evidence based support, supported by education, respect, and love. We believe that once they're provided with all the information, women are the best at deciding what’s right for their bodies. Every woman has the right to safe, satisfying health care and every family has the right to participate in decisions regarding pregnancy and birth, and to share the experience of that birth in a family-centered environment. Every pregnancy and birth is as different as the women experiencing them. For this reason, our support is catered to each woman as an individual.


     Our doulas trust in the birth process; knowing that a woman who is relaxed and comfortable with her surroundings will have a more positive birth experience and that babies are meant to come through safely, gently and unharmed. Our doulas fully embrace that this is your birth and baby, not theirs. They will not interfere with the mother-baby bonding after the birth, but instead ensure that you get that special time.

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