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Prenatal Massage


     Beth is a licensed massage therapist, and very experienced in prenatal and postpartum massage; in addition to being a birth doula. She has helped many pregnant clients with sciatic pain, swelling (edema) of the hands and feet, low back pain, SI joint pain, insomnia, digestive trouble, leg cramps, restless leg syndrome, stress relief, and relief of general muscle tension and pain. Most pregnant clients purchase a massage package and receive treatments throughout their prenatal and postpartum period. Studies show the greatest benefit for those who receive regular massage during their pregnancy (although even one or two sessions can be highly beneficial).


During prenatal massage, you will be able to lie comfortably on your side with the support of pillows and bolsters (except during the first trimester when you may lie face down). Beth focus’s on your specific needs depending on your stage of pregnancy and your individual experience. Many clients who have had prenatal massage elsewhere say that this is the first time they've had prenatal massage that has used deep enough pressure and been effective at pain relief. It IS safe to receive massage from a skilled, licensed massage therapist during your first trimester. It can be helpful with fatigue, nausea, etc. In your second and third trimesters she can help with all of the physical discomforts described above. Toward the end of your pregnancy we can prepare your body for labor and acupressure and cupping therapy can be used to help stimulate labor if you are near or past your due date, and there is written consent from your care provider.


Postpartum massage focuses on physical recovery and rejuvenation after childbirth, giving you some space to focus on how your own body is feeling, and to relieve stiffness, tension, and pain associated with caring for a newborn. Beth has worked with women experiencing back pain and stiff neck from holding and feeding a newborn as well as the wrist and thumb pain that is common postpartum. Massage even helps increase milk production (in part through reduction in blood cortisol levels). You can come for massage as soon after giving birth as you like and you can even bring your newborn to postpartum appointments if you would like to!

Health Benefits


During pregnancy:

● Decreases rates of complications during labor

● Decreases rates of postnatal complications for the baby

● Decreases rates of premature birth

● Decreases stress hormone levels in mother

● Increases oxygen and nutrients to the cells of mother and baby (improves circulation)

● Promotes easier breathing

● Reduces swelling (edema) in the hands and feet

● Decreases pain in low back, shoulders, neck, and hips due to shift in posture

● Alleviates stress on weightbearing joints due to additional weight of the baby

● Alleviates leg cramps

● Alleviates sciatic pain

● Reduces insomnia

● Helps prepare the muscles used during childbirth




● Better milk production and easier breastfeeding

● Helps to realign the pelvis after birth

● Relieves soreness after birth

● Faster recovery from a cesarean

● Relieves stiffness, tension, and aches and pains associated with caring for a newborn

More Details


Mobile massage rates are $75 for a onehour

massage. We also offer 90 minute massages for $100. Special rates available for clients who would like to arrange weekly or monthly visits throughout their pregnancy or following the birth.


Add two prenatal/postpartum massages to your doula contract for $130. You can also use them as a gift for your partner.


Current clients, not wanting to add the Spa Package to their contract can still receive massage at 10% off.



When setting up the massage table in your home, an open area approximately 10 feet by 7 feet will be needed.


Prices are based on traveling to your home; if you have limited space, a house full of noisy relatives, or live out of the area, we can hold your session in our studio space in Bowling Green.

Call Policy


Please keep in mind that there are times where Beth will be on call to attend births. In the event of this happening, she may need to reschedule an appointment with little advance notice, or sometimes even leave a session earlier than planned, if someone goes into labor. If your session needs to be cut short, extra time will be added to your next visit. Because babies like to be born in their own time, we appreciate your flexibility.

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