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The Birth Of Our Logo

Establishing a partnership seemed like the easiest step in creating our brand. It took some time to design the perfect logo that reflects our beliefs. For some time we went back and forth on our color and image preferences. It isn’t always easy to agree on a specific style, color, or image design when you are working in a team.

B. Birth Services stands for being bold: strong in decision making. It also stands for being bright: intelligent, or powerful in knowing your options.When I think of these words, and what I believe B. Birth Services is, I also think of something natural and beautiful. The first image that came to mind was a tree. A tree is strong and powerful. A tree provides oxygen that supports life on Earth. It bears fruit to sustain Earth’s creatures. What also sustains life with oxygen, and provides nutrients? A placenta. A beautiful, natural, strong placenta.

It was as if a light bulb turned on when we saw the image of the tree that resembled the placenta. This is it. This is what our brand stands for. Strength, intelligence, power, and the natural beauty of childbirth.

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