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It's Never Too Early To Hire A Doula

A question that seems to be coming up more frequently from potential clients or others in conversation is, when exactly is the right time to hire a doula? The answer to this really depends on you! The sooner that you are able to hire a doula, the better; however, it is never too late- even if you are in labor and decide at that moment you need a doula!

Hiring a doula early in pregnancy secures your estimated due date with a doulas schedule, and allows you and your doula to get to know one another and discuss your plans for your pregnancy, labor, birth, and postpartum care. Most doulas when hired offer suppo

rt not only limited to face to face, but also over the phone, through email, or texting. No questions are silly, so having a doula to turn to with pregnancy, or baby related questions is a nice security, especially for a first time mother. Some doulas offer other services as well, such as prenatal massage, placenta encapsulation, and postpartum support. Getting an early start gives you more time to take advantage of the opportunities available, and to get to know your doula.

Some even find a doula prior to pregnancy. This may be because a doula has been utilized in a previous pregnancy and wishes to have a doula at the next birth. Others may hire a doula prior to pregnancy if they are looking for a specific type of pregnancy or birth experience and is hoping that a doula will be able to help find resources.

Many women wonder if it is too late to find a doula when they are late in their pregnancy or even beyond their estimated due date. While looking earlier in pregnancy assures you that you have a wider selection of doulas from which to choose, there are always benefits to trying to find a doula at any time. While your choices may be more limited due to call schedules that are already filled, it is certainly worth the effort to ask. Many doulas may have free space in their calendars because of previous clients that have already delivered. Sometimes emergencies happen, and there have been instances when a spouse in unable to attend a birth. Having a doula step in as a support person can be very beneficial for the laboring woman.

Whether you just found out the happy news of a little one on the way, or are anxiously anticipating the arrival of your baby very soon, it is never too late to seek out support from a doula!

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