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Placenta Pills: A DIY Don't

Placenta encapsulation, which has its roots in centuries old Chinese medicine, has recently

taken the birthing world by storm. The theory is that nutrients in the placenta are beneficial to

the mothers postpartum recovery and can help by increasing milk production and energy, along

with warding off the baby blues. Anecdotal evidence along with scientific studies support the

growing trend of encapsulation, including one study in which 181 women out of 210 noticed

positive results after consuming their dehydrated placenta.

The process of encapsulation is a relatively simple one in which the placenta is rinsed and

steamed before being thinly sliced and dehydrated. After dehydration the placenta is ground

into a fine powder and poured into capsules. A Google search will bring up any number of

videos and blog posts with the process laid out step by step for the avid DIY-er, but placenta

encapsulation is a definite DIY don't.

A common thread found in social media moms group reveals many mothers opt to have friends

process their placentas instead of paying a trained and certified professional to handle it. What

you think may be saving you some money could in fact cost you your health. To help women

understand the risks involved with letting anyone other than a professional encapsulation

specialist prepare their placenta we have come up with a list of things to consider before

handing over their placenta to anybody.

1. Education and Training

Placenta encapsulation involves taking a human organ and preparing it for consumption

which is a little trickier than say grilling burgers for your family reunion. Encapsulation

specialists should have the education and training necessary to understand how to

properly prepare the placenta and abide by OSHA’s Bloodborne Pathogens standard to

prevent the transmission of bloodborne pathogens and other common infections.

2. Standard of Practice

A professional PE specialist will have a standard of practice as set by their certifying

organization that they must abide by. This includes proper handling of the placenta,

proper sanitation methods of all surfaces and work utensils, as well as proper

documentation of the process.

3. Up to Date Research

Being up to date on the latest research goes hand in hand with having a solid training

and high standards. We expect our specialists to follow up with current studies about

placentophagy to keep our clients well informed as new information is made available.

Our background in providing the latest in evidence based information to women is one

of the reasons why our specialists only process placentas in the clients home. The

evolving research conducted on the human microbiome supports our beliefs, and those

of several certifying organizations, that the safest and healthiest place to prepare and

process a placenta is in the clients home. This practice ensures the mother will not be at

risk of exposure to bacteria that her body is not accustomed to at such a vulnerable


4. Transparency

How can you be certain that your capsules contain your placenta and nothing more?

Unless you are physically present for the process you never can truly be sure. We enjoy

providing placenta services in our clients homes for their health, safety, and ease of

mind. We invite them watch the process and ask questions along the way. They are able

to supervise every step and have confidence in knowing their placenta was handled

respectfully and is the only ingredient in their capsules.

5. Postpartum Service

Placenta services are more than just taking a raw organ and turning it into capsules. We

pride ourselves in offering postpartum support to our clients during the time we are

processing the placenta. Our specialists are trained to help you transition into

motherhood and are armed with the latest knowledge on newborn care, postpartum

mood disorders, and breastfeeding support. They can offer support, lend a hand, and

make referrals to experienced professionals for all of your needs. We want our clients to

enjoy their postpartum period and love being able to provide in person support for new

families, even when they aren't expecting it.

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